WP4-MUDI4LS WorkPackage 4 du projet MUDIS4LS


The work package “Intensive computational biology” (WP4) aims at enabling the life science communities to use for projects with intensive and IA-related computing needs the existing intensive computing resources (HPC, AI, Bigmem) available in the four national centers IDRIS, TGCC, CINES (both affiliated to GENCI) and CC-IN2P3. The challenges are to deploy on these national facilities the usual tools and data in life science, to provide users with common workflow environments and scientific gateways and web portals. The use cases include AI projects, and projects requiring very large computing resources, such as health applications related for instance to COVID-19 or large scale microbial genomes analysis. Running applications for intensive computations required that tools and pipelines have been adapted and benchmarked at a preliminary step in representative regional HPC/AI environments (e.g. CBP-PSMN).

Actualités : Le groupe de travail WP4 organise un hackathon du 12 au 14 novembre 2024 au CBPsmn à Lyon

A la une :


Cas d’usage


WP4.1 Applications scientifiques et cas d’usage (Nicolas Pons, Philippe Hupé)

WP4.2 Integration des outils et données (Christophe Blanchet, Agnès Ansari)

WP4.3 Benchmarking (Hervé Gilquin)

Liens avec les autres WP/IS

Outils collaboratifs

Pour le rejoindre, faire la demande de compte sur https://www.cesgo.org, et envoyer votre username à un des animateurs du WP4 par mail ou sur son canal Rocket-Chat CESGO.